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Club Terms and Conditions

Care of equipment and uniforms
  1. I agree to keep in good order and condition, and keep secure, any item of equipment or uniform given to me by the Club

  2. I agree to return such equipment or uniform in good order and condition.

  3. I agree to immediately report to the Club any loss of, or damage to, such equipment or uniform.


Return of uniforms
  1. I agree to return to the Club at the end of the season the same uniform that was assigned to me at the start of the season.

  2. I agree that, if I do not return the uniform assigned to me at the start of the season, I owe the Club the replacement cost of that uniform (such amount to be determined by the Committee).

  3. I agree that I if I owe money to the Club under paragraph 2 above, I must pay that debt within 10 working days of the end of the Club season (such date to be determined by the Committee in the event of dispute).

  4. I understand that if I do not meet the deadline in paragraph 3 above, I will receive two reminder emails (at least 10 working days apart). I agree that if I do not pay the amount owing within 5 working days of the date of the second reminder email, my details may be passed on to an agency for debt collection purposes.


Subscription fees
  1. I understand that I must pay the subscription fees proposed by the Committee, and set at the AGM in order to play for the Club.

  2. I understand that the subscription fee rates are set annually at the AGM, and will be notified to me via the clubs communications  channels once agreed.


  1. I agree to pay to the Club:

  • ​the first instalment by the date notified to me by the Treasurer and/or via the clubs communication channels (usually then end of April/early May; and

  • the full amount owing (depending on my subscription status) by the date notified to me by the Treasurer and/or via the clubs communication channels (usually by the end of May or June)

  1. I understand that should I fail to pay my full seasons subscription within 25 days of the final date notified to me, I may incur a late payment penalty of $35.
  2. I understand that if I do not meet either of the deadlines in paragraph 3 above, I will receive two reminder emails (at least 10 working days apart) in respect of that particular deadline.
  3. I agree that if I do not pay the amount owing within 5 working days of the date of the second reminder email, my details may be passed on to an agency for debt collection purposes and/or I will be declared unfinancial with the Wellington Hockey Association and New Zealand Hockey.
  4. I understand that if I decide to leave the Club part way through the season, then I may be eligible for a refund based on the refund table below, however I also acknowledge that any and all refunds are at discretion of the Club Treasurer.

Refund & Dates Applicable (up to and including)
  • 100% - 30 April

  • 75% - 15 May

  • 40% - 31 May

  • 0% - 1 June onwards


I understand that if I join the club after the season has already begun, I may be eligible for a subscription different to that indicated in section entitled "Subscription Fees". These subscription differences are indicated below, but I understand that any alterations to subscriptions remains at the discretion of the Club Treasurer.


% of Original Subs & Date Applicable (up to and including)
  • 100% - 1 May

  • 75% - 30 June

  • 40% - 1 August onwards

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